What is the phenomenon of HeroesIII?
This computer game has remained for more than a quarter of a century not only viable, but also quite popular among millions of fans, it lives and has development, hundreds of mods and communities, a huge mass of fan content and thousands of memes as a reflection of love and affection.
This game is a great relaxant and antidepressant. I think big importance there are the cozy graphics of the late 90s, imperfect but very pleasant, and excellent high-professional music that does not get boring for years, and the balance, although far from perfect, but very good. But the main thing, I believe, is the playableness, that is the incredible variability of settings, tactics and strategies, an immense field for ingenuity with a fertile ground for enjoying the game. And even after 20 years, the game sometimes pleasantly surprises when you suddenly discover new features or invent new useful tricks.
The closest, perhaps, to what you can compare HoMM3 is chess, with a bonus by a wonderful audio-visual atmosphere.
I will keep some of my own fan art pictures on this page